Luggage side box

Luggage side box
Luggage side box

To open the luggage side box, pull up the strap.

    See also:

    Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ON position and press the VOL (volume)/ON·OFF (power) knob to turn the radio on. If you listen to the radio with the engine not running, the ignition s ...

    FM-AM-SAT(if so equipped) radio with Compact Disc (CD) player (Type A)
    FM-AM-SAT(if so equipped) radio with Compact Disc (CD) player (Type A) 1. FM·AM band select button 2. CD EJECT button 3. DISP (display) button 4. Color display 5. iPod® MENU button 6. ...

    Giving voice commands
    To operate NISSAN Voice Recognition, press and release the button located on the steering wheel. After the tone sounds, speak a command. The command given is picked up by the microphone, and ...