Personal lights - rear

To turn on the rear lights, press and release the

To turn on the rear lights, press and release the switch (1) .

To turn the rear lights off, press and release the switch (1) .

    See also:

    Booster seats
    Precautions on booster seats WARNING: If a booster seat and seat belt are not used properly, the risk of a child being injured in a sudden stop or collision greatly increases: Make sure the s ...

    Too High to Handle
    The numbers quantify the Spec V's main disappointments, but there was something fundamentally wrong with the driving experience, and after days and miles I finally concluded that the car is just t ...

    King Cab
    Maximum towing capacity: 6,500 pounds (4x2 V-6), 6,300 pounds (4x4 V-6) Maximum payload range: 899-1,547 pounds (depending on trim, engine, transmission) ...