Backing up behind a projecting object

The position C is shown farther than the position

The position C is shown farther than the position B in the display. However, the position C is actually at the same distance as the position A . The vehicle may hit the object when backing up to the position A if the object projects over the actual backing up course.

    See also:

    Air conditioner operation
    The air conditioner system should be operated for approximately 10 minutes at least once a month. This helps prevent damage to the air conditioner system due to the lack of lubrication. Cooling ...

    Power steering
    The power assisted steering uses a hydraulic pump, driven by the engine, to assist steering. If the engine stops or the drive belt breaks, you will still have control of the vehicle. However, much ...

    - Keep the battery surface clean and dry. Clean the battery with a solution of baking soda and water. - Make certain the terminal connections are clean and securely tightened. - If the vehicle ...