Oil additives

NISSAN does not recommend the use of oil additives. The use of an oil additive is not necessary when the proper oil type is used and maintenance intervals are followed.

Oil which may contain foreign matter or has been previously used should not be used.

    See also:

    Heater and air conditioner (manual) (if so equipped)
    WARNING ● The air conditioner cooling function operates only when the engine is running. ● Do not leave children or adults who would normally require the assistance of others alone in ...

    Training phrases
    During the SA mode, the system instructs the trainer to say the following phrases. (The system will prompt you for each phrase.) ● phonebook transfer entry ● dial three oh four two ...

    Auto-reverse function
    If the control unit detects something caught in the window as it is closing, the window will be immediately lowered. The auto-reverse function can be activated when the window is closed by automat ...