Displaying user guide

If you use the NISSAN Voice Recognition system for the first time or you do not know how to operate it, you can display the User Guide for confirmation.

You can confirm how to use voice commands by accessing a simplified User Guide, which contains basic instructions and tutorials for several voice commands.

1. Press the INFO button on the instrument

1. Press the INFO button on the instrument panel.

2. Select the “Voice Recognition” key.


You can skip steps 1 and 2 by pressing the 3. Select the “User Guide” key. switch and saying “Help”.

3. Select the “User Guide” key.

4. Select an item.

Available items:

● Getting Started

Describes the basics of how to operate the Voice Recognition system.

● Let’s Practice

Initiates a practice session that demonstrates how to improve voice recognition by the system.

● Using the Address Book

Tutorial for using the Address Book

● Finding a Street Address

Tutorial for entering a destination by street address.

● Placing Calls

Tutorial for making a phone call by voice command operation.

● Help on Speaking

Displays useful tips of speaking for correct command recognition by the system.

    See also:

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    Child safety
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