How to say numbers

NISSAN Voice Recognition requires a certain way to speak numbers in voice commands.

Refer to the rules and examples below.

- Either “zero” or “oh” can be used for “0”.

Example: 1-800-662-6200 — “One eight oh oh six six two six two oh oh”, or — “One eight zero zero six six two six two oh oh” - Words can be used for the first 4 digits places only.

Example: 1-800-662-6200 — “One eight hundred six six two six two oh oh”, — NOT “One eight hundred six six two sixty two hundred, and — NOT “One eight oh oh six six two sixty two hundred.

- Numbers can be spoken in small groups.

The system will prompt you to continuing entering digits, if desired.

Example: 1-800-662-6200 — “One eight zero zero” The system repeats the numbers and prompts you to enter more.

— “six six two” The system repeats the numbers and prompts you to enter more.

— “six two zero zero” - You can say “Star” for “*” and “Pound” for “#” at any time in any position of the phone number. (Available only when using the “Special Dialing” command.) Example: 1-555-1212 123 — “One five five five one two one two star one two three” - Say “pound” for “#”. Say “star” for “*” (available when using the “Special Dialing” command and the “Send” command during a call).

- Say “plus” for “+” (available only when using the “Special Dialing” command).

- Say “pause” for a 2 second pause (available only when storing a phone book number).

See “Making a call by entering a phone number” later in this section and “List of voice commands” later in this section for more information.

For best results, say phone numbers as single digits.

The voice command “Help” is available at any time. Please say the “Help” command to get information about how to use the system.

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